Welcome to Tritlington Church of England
Voluntary Aided First School
‘Let your Light Shine’
A very warm welcome to Tritlington C of E First School. We feel extremely privileged to be headteachers of such an amazing community focused church school.
We hope our school website gives you an insight into life at Tritlington and captures why our church school is such a special place.
We are a small, rural school in a wonderful setting just north of Morpeth close to the A1. A Christian ethos lies at the heart of Tritlington Church of England First School where our core values of love, friendship, perseverance, courage, compassion and trust are central to everything we do.
We place great importance on the partnership between home and school and believe this provides a shared approach to our children’s education. A strength of our small school is that we can know, value and support each child as an individual and enable them to be the best they can be and to let their lights shine!
We encourage feedback from parents and the wider community, and visitors are always warmly welcomed into our school.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for looking at our website.
Mrs J.O’Dell & Mrs K.Stephenson - Joint headteachers